Guided Surgery is the Way to Go Part 2,

Attain an Optimal Implant Result

The patient presented requesting an apicoectomy on #13. There's a fistula and and endo-perio lesion with 7mm pocket and fistula tract. The tooth was extracted and the socket was curetted well of all tissue and adequate bleeding of the socket, irrigating, grafting with Collagen and HeliMend membrane and closed primarily with mattress vicryl and review Implant and grafting post op instructions with the patient. Prescribed Cleocin/Clindamycin, Chlorhexidine, nonsteriodal anti-inflammatory. Utilizing all the technology afforded to allow for optimal implant placement and esthetic and maintainable result.
Radioleucency associated with endodontically treated tooth and post

periapical radiograph/xray,Socket post extraction,(GTR) guided tissue regeneration reveals boney defect @ Helimend
Aquasil impression impression, acrylic reproduced maxillary model. #Surgiguide @Simplant @DentsplyImplants

Planning helps to place the implant in the exact location planned and in this case engage the sinus floor.

Drill depth angulation and proximity to adjacent structures, teeth roots, maxillary sinus with guide in place

Drill sequenced depth angulation and proximity to adjacent structures, teeth roots, maxillary sinus with simplant surgiguide in place.

Dentsply Astra 3.5mm with cover screw engaging sinus floor for maximal stability. Osstell reading is 70. Up from 65 at implant insertion @Dentsplyimplants @Osstell

Post implant insertion panorex
@Astra esthetic abutment to mold the soft tissue in preparation for an esthetic prosthesis
The patient relocated and was lost to follow-up.
The Girldoc😉
