Staffing, Forms and the Interviewing Process

Hiring staff for your office is a process that requires organization which is important to allow the doctor to be focused on the candidate.
Employee Application page 1

Employment application page 2

Obtaining proper identification is always necessary and we expect all interviewees to present with a government issued identification to verify they are who they say they are. In addition it's important to take note of observations noted during the interview, and that can only be done when one is organized.
The interviewer is there to determine if the candidate is appropriate for that position and we need to know if they possess the skills necessary and ask questions according to the job description.

Cross training staff is a mandatory function. Never allow just one person to perform a specific task or role because if that individual isn't available or if they suddenly don't return, then you are left with no one trained to do this task.

This is why I prefer to test spelling, grammar and speaking skills.  It's important that we evaluate their knowledge as well. I've been a fan of giving employees a spelling and grammar test in addtion to completing an employment application.
Candidate interview analysis form

Employee application Spelling test

Once a fitting prospect has been selected an employee file is created and all necessary documents should be maintained for a minimum number of years. Each state has their own requirements.

Office Policies page 2
Grammar test

Staff who have had Hepatitis B vaccine and do not require it should complete this form.

Federal I-9 form

Hepatitis B declination form

Now a days most offices have a website that includes photos of their staff and treatment of patients.  Creating a release form to allow photographic images to be used is necessary.

Employee photo use form

Retirement Plan Offering form

Assurance of Password protection by employees

Performance Planning and Appraisal form

Employee Counseling form

Performance Planning and Appraisal form

Personal leave request form
Employee Confidentiality form

The Girldoc😉
