The Dentists Prayer, Long Island Academy of Odontology

Dentist Prayer Dr Joseph G Kalil (1991)
 (friends holding up the prayer to take a shot with my camera.📲
There are many days I pray, for my family, for my friends loved ones and my patients. 
Last night was the first time I heard the Dentist Prayer. A beautiful prose about having the privilege of being a dentist to serve as an  instrument of healing for those who seek our care. Having respect and "reverence" for life and for those "stricken with illness and pain". Helping us to listen intently and proceed carefully and with gentleness and great skill.
It was an honor to be inducted as a Fellow into the Long Island Academy of Odontology with other dentists who serve our profession and mostly serve the people that come to us for our craft. 

(Left to Right) Back row Dr Fisher,Dr Tobias, Dr. Eickelberg, Dr Mascola, Dr. Fitzgerald
Front row Dr Hanlon, Dr Pollick, Dr Smith 

Dr Spada(w the mic) inducting the new officers (right to left) Dr . Milord, Dr Mascola, Dr. Hanna 

Dr Pollick, Dr Milord, Dr Hanlon, 

The Girldoc😉
