Make Lemonade Out of Lemons & Host the First Dental Mentor Summit 2020

Make Lemonade Out of Lemons & Host the First Dental Mentor Summit 2020

Mentoring in 2020 has been relegated to virtual encounters, making us proficient in operating Zoom, Face-time and Skype. Learning nuances about technology I never needed to use but using this technology is a good way to stay current.

Stony Brook Dental Mentor Summit 2020

Planned for May 7,2020, the Glitz-Glam, Clean-Face-of-Dentistry, for Stony Brook University School of Dentistry student and resident mentees and practicing dentists of Suffolk County, New York, a dermatology lecture and assistance by the staff of Clinique of Macy’s. Postponed due to the corona virus pandemic, like most organized events for 2020 have been canceled or operated virtually to allow continuity of organization’s work. Work must get done regardless of the ability to meet in person with others. Mentoring is no different, however for the sake of the platform we switched the event to include panelists.
#comraderieovercompetition, #DentalMentorSummit2020
Knowing we couldn’t meet and participate as a group with skincare, make-up application, dinner and a lecture, it was decided to change the name and activities.  So, for this reason the Dental Mentor Summit was hatched. Marotta Dental Studios, offered continuing education, to 8 mentor dentists, 21 dental students and residents that met in front of computers, to answer many questions about subjects that students want to know more about. Each of our mentor panelists: Dr. Claudia Vazquez, Dr. Patricia Hanlon, Dr. Meena Shah, Dr. Elizabeth Doroski, Dr. Radha Munk, Dr. Virginia Mitchell, Dr. Joan Francis, Dr. Ivan Vazquez and I spoke. We offered our written advice, experiences and know-how on multiple topics for almost two hours. It was my hope that students feel we are welcoming them into our profession by sharing with them what works for us. Sharing pearls, documents and policies we utilize during our day that create a better work environment and will help them in their quest as a dentist, however they choose to practice.
a laminated fold-out reference guide “PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE” based on the Principles of Robert’s Rules

Mentors and mentees participating in Stony Brook Dental Mentor Summit 2020

Wanting them to know we are there for them now and in the future when they call on us. Providing a tangible item for them as an “anchor”, a reminder that they aren’t alone when days seem too hard to get through or endure. The students and residents at the first Dental Mentor Summit of 2020 were awarded a laminated fold-out reference guide “PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE” based on the Principles of Robert’s Rules of Order and handouts created by each panelist.  Sharing with others, helped me in my experiences with board room decorum. It’s a process that most of our governmental agencies and professional organizations utilize in their policy and procedures to accomplish their work. Utilized in these setting, these processes are necessary for accomplishing goals and can help them excel as leaders within our field. Training future leaders to feel comfortable in all situations, especially those outside of the dental chair, which is where many deals and decisions are made that affect how we operate our profession, is very important.

Mentors and mentees participating in Stony Brook Dental Mentor Summit 2020
When life hands us lemons, host a Dental Mentor Summit virtually. #comraderieovercompetition

The Girldoc😉
