Lentils & Legumes, Heart healthy, weight concscious, for the busy professional Oral Surgeon!

My Weight Watcher journey @WeightWatchers

Garlic, onion, celery sautéing. Aldi's has great organic options
Aldi's organic options

Legumes and lentils are used all around the World because they are extremely nutritious and relatively inexpensive. The byproducts of protein breakdown, the nitrogenous bases, are necessary for the building blocks of muscle and cellular function. Lentils are packed with fiber and protein and are a complex carbohydrate, a healthier form of carb. It’s also a vegan friendly option.  They are low in fat and filled with fiber and possess a good foundation for many vitamins like thiamine, niacin, B6, folate, iron,  magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper and manganese.  Lentils are friendly for the gastrointestinal tract health and regularity. Unlike other beans they can be prepared in a shorter period of time starting from a dry bean. This is one of the reasons why I prefer them as a natural raw food, because all too often I’m deciding on my dinner menu last minute.

My Lentil Recipe:
onion 1
celery Stalk 3
garlic cloves 5-9
cilantro bunch lightly chopped
Package of Sazon seasoning
Lentils 1 cup
1 1/2 cups of water
1-2 vegetable bouillon cubes
one fresh lemon, juice

Ripened tomatoes
Fresh ginger
Coconut milk to replace some of the water and curry substituted for sazon.

Chop two handfuls of carrots One medium onion three Stalk of celery including the leaves and depending on your taste 5 to 9 cloves of chopped fresh garlic
In a skillet spray with Pam sauté the garlic and as it starts to turn add the onions celery and carrots cook until soft.  Add this is Sazon seasoning packet. Add the water, lemon juice and lentils. Bring it to a boil then simmer with the lid on for 15 minutes until lentils become tender. Add cilantro to the mixture. Salt and pepper to taste.
Serve over rice or quinoa or cauliflower rice which I enjoy and in many instances does come prepackaged.
Copped carrots and sazon @sazon

Over the past year I have worked hard at trying to maintain better nutrition and as a result of that I have slimmed down and have had good results. It has not been easy but I am doing it. I’m also utilizing the expertise of Weight Watchers and the weight watchers app which is in my opinion the best and only alternative for following a good nutritious balanced diet.
Dentistry and especially oral and maxillofacial surgery are not easy jobs, all day most of the day standing over people slouched, bent to one side depending on whether you’re a right or left handed operator and contorting oneself into multiple positions to afford a good view of the opposite jaw all the way in the back of the mouth.  That type of work and positioning takes a toll on one’s spine and musculoskeletal system. Therefore it’s important to maintain good nutrition to keep one’s strength up.

green lentils with cilantro

Simmering lentils and my "cilantro terrarium"
The Girldoc😉
