Do you multitask? Egg-spect Egg-splosions!

Egg-spect Egg-splosions if you Multitask

         I bet you are wondering what a picture of burnt eggs have to do with today's blog post, I will explain.

         This egg-splosion is an egg-cellent egg-ample of what happens when you mulititask. Egg-ploded eggs and the associated ruined pot. Seven minutes, is what I needed to cook the eggs. I was briefly and permanently side tracked. Turned the burner under the eggs on high and was going to get my phone to set the timer right after I threw in a load of laundry to wash. As I headed for my phone in the family room a call came in. At that instant I had redirected my attention and forgotten the pot of eggs. Next I answered a few emails and then went about my daily routine. A while later from upstairs I get a whiff, a strong scent of something burning which caught my nose, to myself I say “what’s burning?” With that I receive this photo in a text message from my husband who was all too willing to share my creation with me. Thankfully he took care of the mess.

         Professionals multi-task, and many individuals brag at how good they are at it.  It’s almost impossible to avoid in today’s world. Many of us are preoccupied with either our career and of course with the tethered behavior to electronic devices and smart phones. We need them, we utilize them, as a reference or as form of a reminder. That's when you remember. 🤦
          At a recent lecture I attended at the American Association of Women Dentists AAWD in Phoenix a speaker dove into multitasking and how it’s not possible. MRI studies and research show that multitasking does not provide positive results, we can’t do it well. Our frontal lobes atrophy as you can see by the images above.

Multitasking creates a “scrambled” mess and a “fried” brain. 
The Girldoc😉
